Tagged: books

To Kill a Mockingbird 2

Book Covers in Comic Sans

Comic Sans is the most reviled font in the world. There are worse fonts, for sure, but Comic Sans has become the most infamous. Today it’s become the “Plan 9 from Outer Space” for...

Decline and Fall of Borders 1

The Golden Age of Bookstores

Back in the 1990s, a lot of book lovers bemoaned the death of the small, independent bookseller. They thought of the big chains like Borders and Barnes & Noble as the enemy. This was...

Lawrence Olivier Hamlet Skull 4

Act III Failures

This article is about the ends of stories, so of course it contains major spoilers. Almost every narrative follows a three act pattern: beginning, middle and end. Act I sets up the premise and...

A Casual Vacancy Review 3

A Casual Vacancy Review

J.K. Rowling has come out with her first post-Harry Potter book, The Casual Vacancy. And while it’s not fair to compare the book to Harry Potter, it’s almost impossible not to do so. Perhaps...

A Hunger Games Review 1

The Hunger Games: A Review

This is a review of the entire Hunger Games trilogy. It contains major spoilers for those who haven’t read all three books. I came late to the Hunger Games franchise. It wasn’t until the...

Dallas is a Moveable Feast 12

Dallas is a Moveable Feast

I’m a big Ernest Hemingway fan. While my favorite one of his books is The Sun Also Rises, I’m also a big fan of his posthumous memoir, A Moveable Feast. And in fact, that...

That Book by Some Guy 2

Workplace Adventures: Oprah’s Book Club

For 15 years, Oprah Winfrey ran a “book club” on her show, where she promoted several books a year. In addition, she often had authors on her show promoting other books. Working at a...


R.I.P. Borders Books & Music

I went to Borders the other day, during their closing sale. It was in such a sorry state that I couldn’t stay long. The store was technically still in business, but it was a...