Tagged: flags

Flag of New Zealand over the Flag of Australia 2

Redesign 101: The Flag of New Zealand

New Zealand needs a new flag. They’ve needed one for years, but the momentum has been growing under the current Prime Minister. The current flag of New Zealand is a colonial ensign that looks...

Proposed Flag of Amikejo 4

The Rise and Fall of Neutral Moresnet

Borders can cause a lot of problems. I’ve already talked about how shifting rivers can create odd little enclaves on the landscape. But borders can be tricky even when there aren’t rivers involved. This...

Shark NATO / Sharknado Flag 3

Sharknado vs Shark NATO

The Syfy Channel makes a lot of low-budget movies involving monsters and natural disasters. Their latest monstrosity is a movie called “Sharknado”. As the title implies, it is all about tornadoes full of man-eating...

49-Star American Flag 21

The Little-Known 49-Star Flag

Back in the 1800s, the American Flag changed every couple of years. Every time they added a new state, they added a new star. By the twentieth century however, Manifest Destiny had run its...

New Flag of Nebraska 8

Redesign 101: The Flag of Nebraska

What’s the worst flag in America? There are some pretty bad ones out there. City flags, in particular, tend to be badly designed. But let’s stick to state flags for now. When it comes...

Proposed Flag of Minnesota 2

Redesign 101: The Flag of Minnesota

Like Michigan and Vermont, Minnesota is yet another state with a blue flag and a coat of arms. The flag of Minnesota is not just boring, however. It is garish, gaudy and borderline offensive....

Proposed Flag of Vermont 8

Redesign 101: The Flag of Vermont

Conformity can be an ugly thing. Vermont has had several flags in its history, and over the years the Flag of Vermont had gotten plainer and uglier. The current flag, blue with a coat...

New Flag of Michigan 18

Redesign 101: The Flag of Michigan

Today I’m starting a new series called “Redesign 101”, where I try into improve on the designs of common flags. As a graphics geek, I think that there are a lot of crappy flags...