The Corporate Provinces of Canada

The Corporate Provinces of Canada

Ever since I published “The Corporate States of America”, my Canadian readers have been asking for one of their country. So after many months of delay, I give you “The Corporate Provinces of Canada”. Like my previous design, this map features the brand most associated with a given province or territory.

A Challenging Map

Making a brand map for our northern neighbor proved a bit more challenging than putting together one for the U.S. Even though I have a pretty good education, Canada is not my country. So I had to do a fair amount of research before making my final selections. Furthermore, Canada’s low population density didn’t help. Even more than the US, Canada has its population concentrated in a few major cities: mostly Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. This meant that I came up with a hundred companies to represent Ontario and Quebec, as well as a few for British Columbia. However, it was much harder to find major companies based in the other provinces and territories. But with those caveats out of the way, here is what I came up with:

The Corporate Provinces of Canada



Petro-Canada is the retail division of the Canadian oil company Suncor. Like most of Canada’s energy companies, it has its headquarters in Calgary.

British Columbia

Lululemon Athletica

Lululemon Athletica is a yoga gear company that started in Vancouver in 1998.


Hudson’s Bay Company

Founded in 1670, the Hudson’s Bay Company is one of the oldest companies in the world. Though the modern company has its offices in Toronto, it still has strong ties with Manitoba.

New Brunswick

Irving Oil

Alberta has a lot of oil companies, but it doesn’t have a monopoly on them. Irving Oil is based out of Saint John.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Fortis Inc.

Founded in St. John’s in 1987, Fortis Inc. controls electrical facilities across North America and the Caribbean.

Northwest Territories


Spun off from Canadian National Railways in 1979, Northwestel provides telephone services to much of Northwest Territories.

Nova Scotia


Started in 1907, Stellarton-based Sobeys is the second-largest grocer in Canada.



There aren’t a lot of companies based in Nunavut, but Qiniq is an exception. Part of Northwest Territories’ SSI Micro, Qiniq provides wireless Internet to much of the Arctic.


TD Bank

Toronto-Dominion Bank is one of Canada’s largest companies. It started in Toronto in 1855.



Now part of the conglomerate Molson-Coors, Molson Brewing has represented Quebec since its founding in 1786.

Prince Edward Island

Amalgamated Dairies Limited

Amalgamated Dairies Limited (ADL) is Prince Edward Island’s largest dairy producer.



Saskatoon-based Cameco is the world’s largest uranium producer.


Yukon Brewing Company

Founded in 1997, Yukon Brewing Company is based out of Whitehorse.

What Do You Think?

Do you agree with my choices for the Corporate Provinces of Canada? If not, what do you think I should have gone with? Let me know in the comment section. And if you’d like to purchase a poster of this map, send me an email and tell me what you’d like. Thanks again for your support!

Steve Lovelace

Steve Lovelace is a writer and graphic artist. After graduating Michigan State University in 2004, he taught Spanish in Samoa before moving to Dallas, Texas. He blogs regularly at

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1 Response

  1. May 25, 2015

    […] publishing the “The Corporate States of America” and the “The Corporate Provinces of Canada”, I got an email from a German reader asking me to make a German Brand Map for her firm. I put […]

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