Tagged: philosophy


How Surrealist Art Reflects Reality

One of my favorite paintings is “The Treachery of Images” (“La Trahison des Images“) by René Magritte. Even if you don’t know the title or the artist, you may have seen it. It’s an...

Interrobang Equation 2

Finding Meaning in a Secular World

Is it possible to find meaning in life when you don’t believe in God? Many people believe they were put on this earth for a purpose, whether that’s being a parent, worker, athlete, artist,...

Tyranny of the Should Ingsoc Logo 3

The Tyranny of the Should

I started seeing a therapist for depression recently. (I’m loath to admit such a thing publicly, but I think it’s important that we tackle the stigma against mental illness.) Last week, I mentioned that...

Reinvent Yourself 3

Reinvent Yourself Often

On the day of my college graduation, my parents gave me a greeting card. I don’t recall what the card said. I don’t even recall all the words may parents wrote. But three words...

Starfield Hourglass 1

Living in the Present

I have trouble living in the present. It’s too easy to dream about the future or reminisce about the past. On the other hand, I think that living too much in the present leads...

Rene Descartes Dualism Diagram 1

Experience vs Memory

I saw an interesting TED Talk about the psychology of experience vs memory. In the talk, psychologist Daniel Kahneman talks about two competing parts of our conscious mind: the experiencing self and the remembering...

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What Does It Mean to Be a Texan?

I had a discussion (argument) with a good friend about what it means to be a Texan. I said that, after 7+ years of living in Dallas, I felt I could call myself a...

Eye of Providence Pyramid 3

Conspiracy Theorists and the Meaning of Life

You may think of conspiracy theorists as pessimistic shut-ins, wearing tinfoil hats and wallowing in paranoia. This isn’t always true, but it’s the stereotype that people have in their heads. In general, non-conspiracy theorists...

Dante Alighieri 2

The Afterlife Without God

What if there’s an afterlife, but no God? It’s an idea that’s almost unthinkable in Western religion, though it is accepted in some Eastern religions. When it comes to the supernatural and the divine,...