Category: Life

Thoughts on life, travel and growing up


The Power of Irrational Thought

I minored in political science, mostly by accident. I took a few poli-sci classes, and by the time I realized it wasn’t for me, I had enough credits to get a specialization on my...


Logarithmic Time and Getting Older

It’s been two years since I wrote a blog post. I can’t believe it. I also missed the 10th anniversary of my blog in August, though as I wrote many years ago, I don’t...


Gym Class: Not for Nerds

My least favorite class was always gym class. I never liked penmanship much either, but gym was far worse. Especially for a nerdy kid like me, gym was an hour a day of the...


Going Stag to Senior Prom

School seems so dumb sometimes, even for kids who like school. I took my schooling pretty seriously, to the point where I thought that everything else was a bunch of BS. Unfortunately for me,...


Finding Resilience in Hiking

I’ve never been an outdoorsy type. Despite being in Boy Scouts, I don’t like camping. I’ve never gotten into sports, and when my school had Field Day in the 5th grade, I stayed inside...

The Joy of Boredom 4

The Joy of Boredom

My entire life, I’ve always tried to avoid being bored. It’s an unpleasant feeling, something to avoid. But nowadays, boredom has become increasingly scarce. Our smart phones make it easy for us to be...

Crayon Box Time Machine 3

The Crayon Box Time Machine

One of the hardest things about growing up is striking the right balance between conformity and nonconformity. Every person who’s ever lived has an innate desire to fit in. We are, after all, social...

Good Morning Roundel 5

Early Morning Writing

When I first started this blog, I committed to doing three posts a week. They weren’t necessarily good posts by my current standards, but I was doing it. In the last few years I’ve...

Solo Travel Logo 2

The Zen of Solo Travel

I’ve become a big fan of solo travel. Until recently, I had always been afraid to try it. One of my friends told me that a “big guy” like me has nothing to be...