Tagged: lists

Kurz Gezagt-Style Bird on YouTube Logo 4

More Interesting YouTube Channels

I watched a lot of YouTube during my unemployment, and I discovered a lot of cool YouTube channels. I love YouTube channels that are educational but entertaining, channels that fill the role abandoned by...

Burger Fries Drink 2

The 4 Types of Burger Joints

Meat on a bun. What could be simpler? The humble hamburger has been one of America’s dietary staples for well over a century. It has survived through low-fat and low-carb crazes. Here in Texas...

Dumb and Dumber Starbucks 1

5 Fake Starbucks Ideas

A comedian named Nathan Fielder recently opened a coffee shop called “Dumb Starbucks”. It looked and felt just like a real Starbucks, but everything on the menu had the word “Dumb” in front of...

Neighborhood Watch Symbol 1

Outdated Symbols

Pictograms can be useful for conveying information without text. But they can also go out of date pretty quickly. Such outdated symbols often outlast the very objects they are modeled on. Here are five...

Corporate Coffee 18

The 5 Types of Coffee Shops

What makes a good coffee shop? Coffee, most obviously, but that’s not all. I know how to make good coffee at home, but I go to the coffee shop for the atmosphere and the...

AIGA Symbol Sign for Restroom 5

Top 5 Stick Figures

Stick figures are one of the simplest forms of art imaginable, but there is a lot of history and meaning behind the simple stick man. Throughout the ages, these minimal line drawings have had...

Interrobang Mario Block 4

Odd Punctuation Marks

Punctuation marks are a fairly modern phenomenon. From antiquity up through the Middle Ages, words were written together in great long strings, with little spacing or punctuation. These kind of texts were meant to...

The Corporate Provinces of Canada 1

The Corporate Provinces of Canada

Ever since I published “The Corporate States of America”, my Canadian readers have been asking for one of their country. So after many months of delay, I give you “The Corporate Provinces of Canada”....

Heartfire 4

5 Best New Arrested Development Characters

I’ve loved “Arrested Development” ever since the first episode. I remember watching it on Fox, hoping the TV network would keep the show going. I was disappointed, but unsurprised, when they canceled and doubled...