Category: Fiction

Short stories and other original works of fiction

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The Salazar Bunker: No Signs of Life

You don’t expect a bunker to be inviting, but this place was darker and gloomier than I expected. It wasn’t the kind of bunker where civilians took shelter in wartime; instead, it was a...


The Salazar Bunker: Deep in the Jungle

Deep in the jungle of the Salazar Rain Forest, there lay a primitive-looking village. Long ago abandoned, the village was just a front. Inside the most beaten and broken-down hut, there was a staircase....

Ariel the Little Mermaid in a Starbucks Logo 6

The Siren Call of the Coffee Shop

I could not resist the siren call of the coffee shop. As the bus sped down the street without me. I looked down at my watch. Fifteen minutes till the next bus. An eternity...

No Smoking Sign Ashtray 2

The Long-Departed Rain

It was raining. Not an unusual event in most places, but Los Gatitos was not most places. Smack dab in the middle of the Wasabi desert, it was the driest town in North America....

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The Dive Bar

Franziskaner “Can I get a Franziskaner?” “A what?” “Franziskaner,” said my friend Jerry. “Franziskaner Hefeweizen.” “I’m not familiar with that,” said the waitress, who was 30 going on 65. “What’s in it?” “It’s not...

Interrobang 2

The Lights Went Out Again

The lights went out again, plunging everyone into total darkness. The darkness was complete, snuffing out all light, from the overhead fluorescent lights to the afternoon sun shining through the window. Not a single...

Madrid Metro Heart 4

An Unexpected Date

I once had an unexpected date in Madrid. It started when I got to Barajas Airport six hours before my friends did. It was a long time to wait, so I decided to check...

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Another Dead-End Date

“I had a date the other night.” “Really?” “Don’t sound so surprised, Fred. It’s been known to happen.” “I didn’t mean it like that, Bob. I haven’t had a date myself in over two...

Big Ben 1

Four Minutes Fast

I have a superpower, but my superpower sucks. My power? I can see into the future. The reason it sucks? I can only see the next four minutes. I know that still sounds impressive,...

In the Haze of the Night 5

In the Haze of the Night: Part 4

1: Drunken Pancakes 2: Deleted Texts 3: Out on the Street 4: A Movie Ignored After a long night, we got back to Ryan’s apartment around three. I kicked off my heels and plopped...