Tagged: design

Blueprints at Addison Circle 1 4

The New Urbanism in Addison, Texas

Addison, Texas is an affluent suburb just north of Dallas. The city is known for two things: the corporate headquarter buildings all along the Dallas North Tollway, and the plethora of restaurants along Belt...

Lord Kitchener Hearts You 1

Lord Kitchener Hearts You

One of the iconic designs of the 20th century is the poster of Uncle Sam that says “I Want YOU for U.S. Army”. Though it’s closely associated with World War II, it was first...

Steve Lovelace - Portfolio 2013 1

Graphic Design Services

Whether you’re making a big sales presentation or sending out holiday cards to your friends, you need graphic design. My professional graphic design services can help you make effective print and online presentations. If...

Neighborhood Watch Symbol 1

Outdated Symbols

Pictograms can be useful for conveying information without text. But they can also go out of date pretty quickly. Such outdated symbols often outlast the very objects they are modeled on. Here are five...

AIGA Symbol Sign for Restroom 5

Top 5 Stick Figures

Stick figures are one of the simplest forms of art imaginable, but there is a lot of history and meaning behind the simple stick man. Throughout the ages, these minimal line drawings have had...

To Kill a Mockingbird 2

Book Covers in Comic Sans

Comic Sans is the most reviled font in the world. There are worse fonts, for sure, but Comic Sans has become the most infamous. Today it’s become the “Plan 9 from Outer Space” for...

Barcelona Logo in Eixample Blocks 2

The Beauty of Barcelona’s Eixample

Barcelona is a beautiful city at any scale. Take a walk down La Rambla or visit the Sagrada Familia and you’ll see some of the greatest urban spaces in the world. Then take a...

New Flag of Nebraska 8

Redesign 101: The Flag of Nebraska

What’s the worst flag in America? There are some pretty bad ones out there. City flags, in particular, tend to be badly designed. But let’s stick to state flags for now. When it comes...

Keep Calm and Exit Right sign 3

Exit Signs in America

Here in the US, we do things differently than most countries. While just about every other nation on Earth uses the metric system, we stick to our pounds and inches. And while other countries...

Zombie Shelter sign 2

The Fallout Shelter Sign

It is one of the icons of the Cold War: the fallout shelter sign. In an age where global thermonuclear war was just an inch away, the United States Government had to find a...