Tagged: Apple

File Manager with Balloon Help 1

Crappy Old Software

Having grown up with computers, I am nostalgic for the good old days of DOS and Windows and vintage Macs. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to use these kinds of vintage computers...

Evil Siri Hal 9000 5

Siri Sucks!

A few weeks after the death of Steve Jobs, Apple came out with a new AI program called Siri. It was touted as the system’s killer app, but unfortunately, this voice recognition personal assistant...

Apple Maps Certain Death 10

Apple’s Biggest Failures

Apple Inc. is one of the most successful companies in history, but they’ve certainly had their share of failures. From the earliest days with Jobs and Woz, to 1990s Dark Ages, to rise of...

iPhone Tricorder (iCorder) 4

The iPhone and the Tricorder

When Apple debuted the latest iPhone a couple of weeks ago, many tech pundits were disappointed that it was an evolution rather than a revolution. Realistically we know that not every product can be...

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iPhone Annoyances

It’s that time of year again: time for Apple to introduce its next generation of iPhone. Soon there will be a huge market for the older models, like the iPhone 4 and the iPhone...

Android iPhone Hybrid Logo 8

Phone Wars: iPhone vs Android

A bright light casts a dark shadow. The more loyal your followers are, the more rabid your detractors will be. No company in the modern world embodies this better than Apple, Inc, a multinational...


Steve Jobs: Time Traveler

I just finished the book Replay, by Ken Grimwood. It’s the story of a 43-year-old man who dies and awakes in his college dorm room. He then lives his life over again. Only this...

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Steve Jobs: 56 Years of Genius

What can I say that hasn’t been said? Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, creator of the home computer, the graphical operating system and the smart phone, is dead at the age of 56. Fifty-six...


The Dark Ages of Apple

I was a Mac user back in the Dark Ages of Apple, when the company was as adrift as a rudderless ship in the Bermuda Triangle. But while the company was plagued by mismanagement...

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The Wit and Wisdom of Steve Jobs

Never have so many eulogies been written for a man who is still living.* Of course, we don’t know how much longer Steve Jobs will be with us in this world, but we know...