Spelling Reform
English Spelling is screwed up. Though if you’re literate enough to read this sentence, you probably already know that. Even if you won your elementary school spelling bee, you’ve almost certainly come across words that are tough to spell or hard to pronounce. The real question is, what can we do to make it more logical? I’ve given a lot of thought to the matter and come to the conclusion, not much.
On the surface, spelling reform seems easy. All we have to do is take words with funky spelling, like “through”, and rewrite them more phonetically: “thru”. Or we could take “though” and rewrite it “tho”. Makes sense, right?
One problem, though. The “th” sound in “think” is different than the “th” in “they”. The latter is voiced, more like a “d” than a “t”. It would be more correct to spell it “dho”, as odd as that spelling looks to native English eyes.
So imagine that we change every voiced “th” to a “dh”, every “the” to a “dhe”. We’re still left with two letters representing one sound. This would cause a problem in words like “hardhat”, where the “d” and “h” represent two different sounds. To get around this, we’ll have to invent some new letters, or at least borrow them from another language, like Icelandic. Thus “through” becomes “þru” and “though” becomes “ðo”. Meanwhile “hardhat” becomes “hardhæt” (notice the two different “a” sounds.) With just this one little fix, most every word in the English lexicon changes.
When it comes to spelling reform, it’s very easy to fall back on the reducto ad absurdum argument. We can make spelling reforms without making English look like a foreign language. With such a large corpus of written work, English spelling has become very resistant to change. Our best bet is to change I couple of the worst offenders, like anything containing “ough”. Much of this change is occurring organically. For example, “through” is already “thru” on most street signs. I suggest we stick with it and use “thru” in all of our correspondence.
What do you think about spelling reform. More? Less? None? What’s a good amount of change to make English easier to use?
10 Responses
[…] “J”, no new letters have been added to the English Alphabet, though many people have tried to reform our awful orthography Most notable amongst these reformers was Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was uniquely qualified for […]
[…] we were starting an entirely new civilization, the costs of switching over would be to high. Like spelling reform, switching to a new number base is damned near impossible. In the immediate future, I […]
[…] language (also called a constructed language or a conlang). Unlike a natural language like English or French, Esperanto was invented by one man, a 19th century Polish Jew named L. L. Zamenhof. […]
[…] is the best word in the English language. It is the most versatile word we have, even more than the f-word, which is limited to R-rated […]
[…] going to have a hell of a time getting people to google you. Google is designed to correct spelling mistakes, so if you create a social network called “Phacebook”, your users will have to […]
[…] I wouldn’t mind a few spelling reforms of the English language, I have to say that I wouldn’t want to throw the baby out with the […]
[…] is one of the most useful words in the English language. It’s a shame it’s not acceptable in the most formal settings, because […]
[…] years since, spelling and grammar checkers haven’t gotten much better. I know that English is not the most logical language, but my grammar checker still confuses “its” and “it’s” sometimes. […]
[…] bees are largely a phenomenon in English-speaking countries. In most other languages, spelling is straightforward. In Spanish, it’s largely […]
[…] well for me. I will say that it really take some practice, especially if you’re a stickler for spelling. But if you have a computer and want to give it a try, I certainly don’t think there’s any harm […]