Katamari Friend Map 4

Katamari Ball of Friendship

In case you’ve never played it, Katamari Damacy is a video game with a simple premise. You start with a small ball that can magically “pick up” objects smaller than itself. As you pick...

RKO Radio Websites 1

Radio Websites

Restaurants are notorious for having bad websites. Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal says it better than I ever could. He says there are too many restaurants with flashy websites that try to sell you...

Powerpoint Girls logo 1

PowerPoint Sucks

PowerPoint sucks. I can’t be the only one who thinks so. PowerPoint presentations are unpleasant to make and unpleasant to sit through. But what saddens me most is that it doesn’t have to be...

Dollar Sign Coffee Beans 2

I Am Not a Coffee Snob

I’ve been telling people for years that I am a coffee snob. After all, I’ve been a coffee drinker since I was five. I rarely ever drink Folgers and Maxwell House. I spend an...

Mercedes-Benz Peace Sign Poster 1

Weird Things I Thought as a Kid

I though a lot of weird things when I was kid. There were words I got wrong and concepts I got mixed up, all to the consternation of my parents and teachers. Here are...

MSU Loves Biggby Coffee 3

Biggby Coffee in East Lansing

I’ve enjoyed coffee since I was a kid, and I always enjoyed going to coffee shops with my dad and/or grandpa. But it was only as a teenager that I really got into the...

Robert's Rules of Disorder 6

The Student Government Election

I had some good times in my college student government. I handed out candy and hot chocolate and traveled to Washington, DC. Overall it was a positive experience; but it wasn’t all fun and...

OS/2 Logo in 3-D 8

The Rise and Fall of OS/2

The original IBM PC came with a primitive command line operating system known as DOS. Made by Microsoft, it could do basic file management and run a single application at a time. That was...

Dreamworks Kid Fishing for Clickbait 10

Dealing with Clickbait

Recent years have seen a rise in clickbait articles online. These clickbait articles have alluring headlines that promise to help you lose weight or regain faith in humanity. Clickbait stories tend to be “shallow”....

Weird Al Yankovic wins a Nobel Prize 2

The Genius of Weird Al Yankovic

I wish there were a Nobel Prize in Music. I would nominate Weird Al Yankovic. He is without a doubt one of the greatest musicians of our time. Since the 1970s, he has been...