Working Out with a Personal Trainer
I’ve been working out with a personal trainer for over a year and a half now. My progress has been slow and difficult, but I’m impressed with the results. When I got a new...
I’ve been working out with a personal trainer for over a year and a half now. My progress has been slow and difficult, but I’m impressed with the results. When I got a new...
I’m a big fan of The Oatmeal, an online webcomic/blog by artist Matthew Inman. It’s a hilarious website with original comics. It’s not a regular webcomic like xkcd, but more of a random assortment...
I have trouble living in the present. It’s too easy to dream about the future or reminisce about the past. On the other hand, I think that living too much in the present leads...
I used to believe in Cartesian Dualism, the idea that the mind and body are separate. According to René Descartes, the mind is something that exists on a level beyond the physical brain. He...
In case you’ve never played it, Katamari Damacy is a video game with a simple premise. You start with a small ball that can magically “pick up” objects smaller than itself. As you pick...
I’ve gone to a psychic before. A couple of times, in fact. Skeptics accuse psychics of doing “cold readings”, inferring things from a client’s appearance and mannerisms. That’s what I like about psychics. I...
We generally think of creativity as something that should never be compromised. There’s a kernel of truth to this, as many good idea have been squashed and perverted by faceless bureaucrats. Likewise, trying to...
Are you familiar you Pascal’s Wager? French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal said that even if you doubt the existence of God, you should be religious just in case He exists. Why? Because if...
According to ancient mythology, there are Nine Muses that inspire all the forms of art and science. The Ancient Greeks believed that great ideas came down from the heavens. The muses brought these ideas...
A couple of years ago, I sold most of my worldly belongings at an auction. I kept a couple of things, like some cherished childhood toys, but for the most part, I let everything...