Category: Art

To Kill a Mockingbird 2

Book Covers in Comic Sans

Comic Sans is the most reviled font in the world. There are worse fonts, for sure, but Comic Sans has become the most infamous. Today it’s become the “Plan 9 from Outer Space” for...

The Corporate Provinces of Canada 1

The Corporate Provinces of Canada

Ever since I published “The Corporate States of America”, my Canadian readers have been asking for one of their country. So after many months of delay, I give you “The Corporate Provinces of Canada”....

Ferrari Logo with Le Chat Noir 3

Cat Logos

You like logos. I like cats. And pretty much everyone on the Internet likes mashups. So for my latest in a series of logo parodies, I thought I’d make you some cat logos. Here...

Alternative Corporate States 9

The Corporate States Map: A Follow-Up

A couple of weeks ago, my map of “The Corporate States of America” went viral. My email started blowing up, and the number of visitors to my blog soared exponentially. I was pleased as...

Shark NATO / Sharknado Flag 3

Sharknado vs Shark NATO

The Syfy Channel makes a lot of low-budget movies involving monsters and natural disasters. Their latest monstrosity is a movie called “Sharknado”. As the title implies, it is all about tornadoes full of man-eating...

Motel 6 Logo in Wingdings 5

Famous Logos in Wingdings

Wingdings is an unusual font. Unlike Helvetica, Papyrus or even Jokerman, it’s not a font that uses letters. Instead it’s what’s called a dingbat font. Dingbat fonts date back hundreds of years, to ornamental...

Apple Logo in Chicago Font 2

Tech Logos in Chicago Font

The designers of the original Apple Macintosh faced a challenge. They wanted a computer with beautiful and proportionate fonts, but with a small black-and-white screen, the graphics were still quite limited. Thankfully, Apple had...

New Flag of Nebraska 8

Redesign 101: The Flag of Nebraska

What’s the worst flag in America? There are some pretty bad ones out there. City flags, in particular, tend to be badly designed. But let’s stick to state flags for now. When it comes...

Zombie Shelter sign 2

The Fallout Shelter Sign

It is one of the icons of the Cold War: the fallout shelter sign. In an age where global thermonuclear war was just an inch away, the United States Government had to find a...