Tagged: YouTube

Kurz Gezagt-Style Bird on YouTube Logo 4

More Interesting YouTube Channels

I watched a lot of YouTube during my unemployment, and I discovered a lot of cool YouTube channels. I love YouTube channels that are educational but entertaining, channels that fill the role abandoned by...

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Can I Be a Nerdfighter?

It started with SciShow. While watching chemistry videos on YouTube, I stumbled across Hank Green’s series of short, concise science videos. From there, YouTube’s Related Links led me to Crash Course World History with...

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The Not So Lazy “Lazy Game Reviews”

Lately I’ve been watching a YouTube channel called Lazy Game Reviews (LGR). This has quickly become my favorite channel on YouTube, with a good mix of information, humor, and unique content. It was the...

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The Vlogbrothers and Sibling Relations

I’ve always been a big fan of documentaries and educational videos, and that got me to watching educational YouTube channels like SciShow and CrashCourse. Both of these channels were created in part by two...

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The Computer Chronicles

Regular readers of this site will know that I’m big into tech history. I was fascinated by computers as a child and a teenager, and I spend a lot of time writing about vintage...

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Intelligent Videos on YouTube

I grew up watching PBS. I loved Sesame Street and Mister Rogers. When I got older, we got cable TV, and I started watching documentaries on the History Channel, A&E, the Discovery Channel and...