Communism on Campus
It was my first month on campus, and I was still getting settled into my routines. I stopped by the International Center to grab some lunch after class, and that’s when I saw a...
It was my first month on campus, and I was still getting settled into my routines. I stopped by the International Center to grab some lunch after class, and that’s when I saw a...
I had a college professor who always talked about originality. Before every quiz and exam he would tell us that he was looking for a synthesis of new ideas. He told us not to...
I was probably around nine or ten years old. It had been a normal day at school, so normal that I don’t remember anything about it. But when I came home, my world turned...
Back in college I made some extra cash selling stuff on eBay. My dad collected antiques, and long before my family decided to sell things off wholesale, he decided to sell some stuff online. As...
It all started with the commencement ceremony in May 2000. The keynote speaker was James Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank, an international agency that provides loans to developing countries. Our normally apathetic campus...
Back when I was in student government, our biggest problem was apathy. It was hard enough getting people to know that we existed. It was even harder to get them to care. That’s why...
Like most college students, I spent a lot of time at the bar. There were a bunch of bars all along Grand River Avenue, some better than others. There were frat bars and douchy...
Back when I was freshman at Michigan State University, the Princeton Review ranked my school as the number three party school in the country. It was all the talk around campus, as people debated...
My little sister recently graduated from college. As I sat through the ceremony in a campus gymnasium, a few different thoughts crossed my mind. Pomp & Circumstance It’s funny how the same song is...
Back in college I had what I called the “Holy Triangle”: the three places I spent the bulk of my day. There was Espresso Royale Coffee, Berkey Hall and a bar called the Peanut...