Subtle Foe of Creativity

Creativity flourishes in the worst environments, like a dandelion in poisonThe subtle foe of creativity
Drowns us in banality.
Endless meetings and pointless emails,
Mindless procedures and operations.

A delicate idea that barely exists
Can be crushed with great ease.
Bureaucracy kills all innovation,
Destroys that which might have been.

What ideas have died in utero?
What inventions have never come to be?
Do these stillborn concepts die?
Or do they come back to life?

Sometimes it seems hopeless
To thrive in such a place,
But ideas are like dandelions
Growing in hostile soil.

Against the subtle, seductive forces
Of groupthink and bureaucracy,
Creativity grows and even thrives
If you know how to grow it.

The enemy of art exists to test us.
To make us worthy of the Muse.
Through our struggles and our travails
We can prove our ideas worthy.

And so we fight for our vision,
And we fight for creativity.
The better an idea is,
The harder it has to struggle.

Many ideas don’t survive the fight.
But the ones that do
Will thrive in the wild,
Changing the world around us.

It’s easy to get discouraged by this.
But every day we soldier on.
Because at the end of the day,
That is all we really can do.

Discussion on Creativity

How do you fight against bureaucracy and complacency? If you have any good tips on staying creative, let me know in the comment section.

Steve Lovelace

Steve Lovelace is a writer and graphic artist. After graduating Michigan State University in 2004, he taught Spanish in Samoa before moving to Dallas, Texas. He blogs regularly at

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4 Responses

  1. November 14, 2012

    […] There’s a kernel of truth to this, as many good idea have been squashed and perverted by faceless bureaucrats. Likewise, trying to draft original ideas in a committee is a recipe for frustration and gridlock. […]

  2. April 24, 2013

    […] afternoon drags and the Muse goes home. Drudgery and monotony rule the day. Caffeine keeps me moving Till it’s time to go […]

  3. April 26, 2013

    […] time, Peter tries to explain that he made a mistake and that it’s already taken care of, but none of the bosses want to listen. Despite the fact that it’s a one-time error, each of Peter’s eight bosses needs to […]

  4. December 17, 2013

    […] or two. It was exactly the same as ever. Of all of the art forms out there, comic strips are the most stagnant. The comics page has changed very little in my lifetime. In an age where even long-runnning soap […]

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