Category: Technology

Microsoft Windows MS-DOS Executive 9

Early Versions of Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows has been around for 30 years, and it’s still the dominant operating system for desktop PCs. Ever since the release of Windows 95, this venerable OS has dominated the desktop market, (especially...

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The Allure of False Productivity

The Internet makes it easy to slack off. I can’t tell you how many projects I’ve had derailed by my raging Facebook addiction. But there are a lot of online distractions that are more...

AOL Online Service Connection Window 8

AOL and Other Online Services

In my early days of computing, I logged on to Bulletin Board Systems (BBSes) to download files and participate in forum discussions. The BBSes I logged into were free, but they were hard to...

Bulletin Board System Monitor 3

The Age of Bulletin Board Systems (BBSes)

The Internet has existed since 1969, but it was only in the mid-to-late-1990s that it became commonplace in the home. Before that, computer users communicated via more low-tech methods. Many people of the era...

Computer Chronicles Matrix Poster 5

The Computer Chronicles

Regular readers of this site will know that I’m big into tech history. I was fascinated by computers as a child and a teenager, and I spend a lot of time writing about vintage...

Apple Next Logo Mashup 5

NextStep: The Granddaddy of iOS

If you use any modern Apple product, you’re using a computer operating system invented in the late 1980s. Here’s the story of Steve Jobs’ NeXTSTEP operating system, and how a piece of software once...

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LinkedIn Annoyances

Looking for a job is always hard. Sometimes it seems like there are so many opportunities, but so few options. It’s a daunting task, and there’s no shortage of websites out there purporting to...

OS/2 Logo in 3-D 8

The Rise and Fall of OS/2

The original IBM PC came with a primitive command line operating system known as DOS. Made by Microsoft, it could do basic file management and run a single application at a time. That was...

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Dealing with Clickbait

Recent years have seen a rise in clickbait articles online. These clickbait articles have alluring headlines that promise to help you lose weight or regain faith in humanity. Clickbait stories tend to be “shallow”....