Category: Tech History

Microsoft Windows MS-DOS Executive 9

Early Versions of Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows has been around for 30 years, and it’s still the dominant operating system for desktop PCs. Ever since the release of Windows 95, this venerable OS has dominated the desktop market, (especially...

Computer Chronicles Matrix Poster 5

The Computer Chronicles

Regular readers of this site will know that I’m big into tech history. I was fascinated by computers as a child and a teenager, and I spend a lot of time writing about vintage...

Apple Next Logo Mashup 5

NextStep: The Granddaddy of iOS

If you use any modern Apple product, you’re using a computer operating system invented in the late 1980s. Here’s the story of Steve Jobs’ NeXTSTEP operating system, and how a piece of software once...

OS/2 Logo in 3-D 7

The Rise and Fall of OS/2

The original IBM PC came with a primitive command line operating system known as DOS. Made by Microsoft, it could do basic file management and run a single application at a time. That was...

Windows Logo with Bliss Wallpaper 5

Windows XP: The OS That Refuses to Die

Microsoft is terminating support for Windows XP this spring, 13 years after the operating system first came out. To put that in perspective, it would be like MS-DOS 4.01 (released in 1988) still being...

PC Computing Magazine Logo 3

PC/Computing Magazine

I was a pretty big nerd as a kid, to put it mildly. After getting a Tandy computer for my 10th birthday, I became a big computer geek throughout my teenage years. Some time...

Dvorak Keyboard 4

The Dvorak Keyboard

Have you ever wondered why the keys on your keyboard are arranged the way they are? Why do they start out with QWERTY instead of ABCDEF? Why aren’t the vowels grouped together? Believe it...

Super Mario Bros Start Menu 3

Ode to the Start Menu

Microsoft has had many failures over the years, but they’ve also had a hell of a lot of successes. One of their biggest innovations has been the Start Menu. Anyone who’s used a PC...

Evil Clippy 11

Microsoft’s Biggest Failures

Last week, I highlighted Apple’s biggest failures. Now I want to move north to Redmond, Washington, to the other Titan of Technology, Microsoft. Like Apple, the company has had its share of fiascos. Let’s...

Apple Maps Certain Death 10

Apple’s Biggest Failures

Apple Inc. is one of the most successful companies in history, but they’ve certainly had their share of failures. From the earliest days with Jobs and Woz, to 1990s Dark Ages, to rise of...