Category: Technology

Keep Calm and Reboot 2

When In Doubt, Reboot

Some folks just “get” computers and some folks don’t. I’m not entirely sure why that’s the case. To some extent, it seems to be a function of age, but that’s far from universal. I...

Dvorak Keyboard 4

The Dvorak Keyboard

Have you ever wondered why the keys on your keyboard are arranged the way they are? Why do they start out with QWERTY instead of ABCDEF? Why aren’t the vowels grouped together? Believe it...

Evil Siri Hal 9000 5

Siri Sucks!

A few weeks after the death of Steve Jobs, Apple came out with a new AI program called Siri. It was touted as the system’s killer app, but unfortunately, this voice recognition personal assistant...

Super Mario Bros Start Menu 3

Ode to the Start Menu

Microsoft has had many failures over the years, but they’ve also had a hell of a lot of successes. One of their biggest innovations has been the Start Menu. Anyone who’s used a PC...

Cable Guy Social Network Poster 4

Facebook vs. the Cable Company

Mark Zuckerberg seems to think that people like Facebook. Why wouldn’t he? The social networking site claims over a billion users. Everybody seems to have an account nowadays, but just because it’s popular doesn’t...

Facebook Phone - Reach Out and Poke Someone 3

Nobody Wants a Facebook Phone

For the last couple of years, Facebook has toyed with the idea of its own smart phone. Last week, they took the first real step toward that end. However, instead of spending gazillions of...

Evil Clippy 11

Microsoft’s Biggest Failures

Last week, I highlighted Apple’s biggest failures. Now I want to move north to Redmond, Washington, to the other Titan of Technology, Microsoft. Like Apple, the company has had its share of fiascos. Let’s...

Tandy 1000HX Computer 14

My First Computer: The Tandy 1000HX

It was my tenth birthday. I spent the afternoon in downtown St. Louis with my dad. When I came home, there was a computer in the living room, a Tandy 1000HX. “Happy birthday,” my...

Apple Maps Certain Death 10

Apple’s Biggest Failures

Apple Inc. is one of the most successful companies in history, but they’ve certainly had their share of failures. From the earliest days with Jobs and Woz, to 1990s Dark Ages, to rise of...

Scotty Doesn't Know How to Use a Mouse 2

Annoying Online Forms

Online forms can be frustrating. I’m sure just about everyone’s had the experience of filing out a long, elaborate form only to lose all your information three quarters of the way through. And while...