Tagged: mystery

Mystery Bottle 1

The Mystery Bottle

Many years ago, my dad and I were walking along a sandbar in the Mississippi River. The river was unusually low, and there was quite a bit of detritus washed upon the sandy shoals....

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The Salazar Bunker: No Signs of Life

You don’t expect a bunker to be inviting, but this place was darker and gloomier than I expected. It wasn’t the kind of bunker where civilians took shelter in wartime; instead, it was a...


The Salazar Bunker: Deep in the Jungle

Deep in the jungle of the Salazar Rain Forest, there lay a primitive-looking village. Long ago abandoned, the village was just a front. Inside the most beaten and broken-down hut, there was a staircase....

Interrobang 2

The Lights Went Out Again

The lights went out again, plunging everyone into total darkness. The darkness was complete, snuffing out all light, from the overhead fluorescent lights to the afternoon sun shining through the window. Not a single...