Car Free in America

It’s hard to live car free in America. Ever since General Motors conspired to eliminate the nation’s streetcars, our national infrastructure has been built around the automobile. You might be able to go car...


The United States of Dune

Frank Herbert’s Dune is one of the greatest works of science fiction ever written. While it’s not as popular as Star Wars and Star Trek, it’s every bit as engrossing. One of the things...

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The Salazar Bunker: No Signs of Life

You don’t expect a bunker to be inviting, but this place was darker and gloomier than I expected. It wasn’t the kind of bunker where civilians took shelter in wartime; instead, it was a...

A layover is just a waiting room in mid-transit. 3

The Finest Hell is a Waiting Room

There is no finer hell than a waiting room. In fact, if there is such a thing as Hell, it’s probably just the waiting room outside the Pearly Gates. You sit there waiting for...

A Hunger Games Review 1

The Hunger Games: A Review

This is a review of the entire Hunger Games trilogy. It contains major spoilers for those who haven’t read all three books. I came late to the Hunger Games franchise. It wasn’t until the...

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A Secret Messiah

What if Jesus Christ came back to Earth and didn’t tell anyone? It sounds like the start of a joke, but I mean it quite seriously. Imagine a Second Coming of the Messiah, or...

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A Morning Walk

The morning coffee turned stale in my mouth. Right out the door I felt like turning back. A muggy wind blowing up from the Gulf Made me want to flee back to my bed....

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Death and Faxes

Fax machines are a fascinating anachronism. A modem fax machine is just a low-quality scanner and a dial-up modem. So why do faxes persist, when modems have gone the way of the dodo? Not...


The Salazar Bunker: Deep in the Jungle

Deep in the jungle of the Salazar Rain Forest, there lay a primitive-looking village. Long ago abandoned, the village was just a front. Inside the most beaten and broken-down hut, there was a staircase....