Category: Self-Improvement

Creativity flourishes in the worst environments, like a dandelion in poison 1

Affirmations and Evil Genies

Back in college, I read a lot of self-help books. Some were scientific in their psychology. Others were full of New Age crap. Here’s one concept that doesn’t work. Affirmations. Closely related to the...

The Secret to Slacking Off 4

The Law of Attraction

Have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction? It’s a concept that’s popular with the metaphysics and self-help crowds. It’s a simple idea. Basically, if you really want something, you focus your mind...

Start Early with a Bill Gates Centerfold on a Wheaties Box 2

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” I don’t know if I’m all that healthy, wealthy and wise. In fact, I’m probably none...

128k Mac Running iOS 2

My Resistance to Change

It all started when I got an iPhone. Buying yourself a new toy is not usually a moment for self-reflection, but in this case, it got me thinking. I couldn’t stop thinking about my...

The Clone Stamp Tool fills in your blind spots 3

Blind Spot

I have a blind spot in the center of my vision. So do you, though you’ve probably never noticed. Our brain fills in the information, like the Clone Stamp tool in Adobe Photoshop. This...

Word Count 4

The One Year Rule

Anything worthwhile takes a year. Last month, I finished my novel. It took me a year and a half. That’s pretty quick for a novel, but it still felt like a long time. It...